We provide the necessary assistance so that your tax affairs are always up to date and complete by developing tax strategies that can maximize tax planning benefits at an international and local level and meet all compliance requirements of local tax legislation both at a personal and business level.
Our tax services include the following
• Assistance for preparing and submitting tax returns.
• Assistance for making tax payments when needed.
• Audit of tax for identifying areas of tax risks, proper analysis and immediate communication to the management.
• Registration with the Cyprus tax authorities for obtaining a Tax Identification Code (TIC).
• Assistance for obtaining tax residency certificates.
• Local and international tax planning both for companies and individuals.
• Tax rulings and negotiations with the Cyprus tax authorities.
• Agreement of Company’s tax affairs with the Cyprus tax authorities.
• Tax due diligence reports.
How we can add value on your business
Our high quality tax services always aim to achieve cost efficiencies in line with each company’s risk profile. We try always to be proactive and use our expertise that we have gained over the years, to help our clients resolve their needs and problems and manage their tax risks. Through our high quality service, our tax specialists will ensure that our clients will benefit the utmost from the advantages of the Cyprus tax regime and achieve tax optimization for our clients.

Qualityserve – our tax specialists will ensure that our clients will benefit the utmost from the advantages of the Cyprus tax regime